1/8", 3/8", 5/8", 3/4" & 1"  Retractable Lanyards = Retractable Badge Holders Pricing + Lanyards Pricing
With a variety of choices of our high quality and low cost retractable badge holders with badge holders straps, swivel hooks, badge clips, keychains ( keyrings, split-rings ) and hooks, plus the lanyards with swivel hooks or keychains, you can get different style of retractable lanyards. Just pick the style of lanyards then pick the style of retractable badge reels. Any lanyards with custom colors, sizes or hardware attachments are welcome !

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Lanyards, Lanyard Colors,
Lanyards Pricing, Badge Reel Pricing
Retractable lanyards with retratable badge holder, badge reel, badge clips, key chain, swivel hook, lanyard.

Retractable Lanyard

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