Stoppers, Cord Locks, Cord Stoppers, Spring Stoppers, Plastic Stoppers, ABS Stoppers. This page includes 36 types of most popular cord stoppers or cord locks. They come with spring to lock or unlock your cord easily. Made of plastic - ABS, they can have different type of finishes to fit your fashion needs. Custom made logo stoppers welcome ! |
Cord Lock, Cord Fastener, Cord Stopper
More Cord Lock Detail:
Logo Imprinted Cord Lock Pricing Information: <Click>
Logo Engraved Cord Lock Information: <Click>
Custom Color: Dyeing Color Cord Lock Information <Click>
Custom Color: White, Silver Color, Gold Color and more - Information <Click>
K1 K10 K11
P026 P045 P048
P052 P063 P064
P065 P066 P085
P102 P104 P110
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