Badge Holder/ID Badge Holders/Name Badge Holder/Plastic ID Card Holders Supplies: Over All View.
This page provide an over all view of our high quality, inexpensive, low cost and most popular badge holder supplies. Our ID badge holders come with horizontal or vertical style for wide or for vertical plastic ID cards. The holes on the name badge holder are designed for lanyard hooks, badge clips, badge reels or badge straps to hook up your name badges. Some holders come with pins, badge clips or both. The photos of plastic ID card holders look like white color on the back side, but actually they are clear on both sides. Because technically, we have difficulty to show clear badge holder on both sides. Click to enlarge holders.
Lanyards, Holders, Reels, Clips, Making, Custom Printed, Size or Designed Holders
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Plain Holder, Pre-Printed, Custom Imprinted, Custom Size, Package Deal
Badge Holder: ID Badge Holders For Name Badge, Ticket and Security I.D. Supplies.
Badge Holder/ID Badge Holders/Name Badge Holder/Plastic ID Card Holders/Ticket Holder Supplies: Over All View
Badge Holder: ID Badge Holders For Name Badge, Ticket and Security I.D. Supplies.

Plain Holder, Pre-Printed, Custom Imprinted, Custom Size, Package Deal,

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Custom Printed, Size or Designed Holders

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You are viewing UMX > Lanyards > Badge Holders > Badge Holder/ID Badge Holders/Name Badge Holder/Plastic ID Card Holders Supplies: Over All View.

Badge Holder: ID, Name, Tags, I.D. Card, Metal and Plastic Sports Ticket Holders Supplies.Contact: [email protected]

You are viewing UMX > Lanyards, lanyard > Badge Holders > Badge Holder/ID Badge Holders/Name Badge Holder/Plastic ID Card Holders Supplies: Over All View.