ID badge holder: You are viewing UMX > Lanyards > Badge Holders > ID Badge Holder: Name Badge, I.D. Card and Identification Supplies.
We are ID badge holder wholesaler, supplier, retailer, exporter, importer and manufacturer. We provide high quality and low cost  ID badge holder, name badge, I.D. card and security identification supplies with wholesale cost to general public buyers. Our main customer and application of ID badge holder supplies including school student, staff, corporate employee, government, military, trade shows, exhibits, expo, unions, reunion, promotional give away, events, business meetings, seminars, concerts, parties, and sports etc. You can buy our ID badge holder from our online store.

BH-180 BH-180P BH-180C BH-180PC
Trade Show ID Holder: BH-180, 4 3/8"(W) x 3 5/8"(H), Fit 4"(W) x 3"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 10 ml Meeting Badge Holder: BH-180P, 4 3/8"(W) x 3 5/8"(H), Fit 4"(W) x 3"(H) Card, Thickness,  Front 10 ml / Back 10 ml Low Cost ID Holder: BH-180C, 4 3/8"(W) x 3 5/8"(H), Fit 4"(W) x 3"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 10 ml ID Tag Holder: BH-180PC, 4 3/8"(W) x 3 5/8"(H), Fit 4"(W) x 3"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 10 ml
BH-171 BH-172 BH-173 BH-174
Small Size ID Holder: BH-171, 3 3/4"(W) x 2 5/8"(H), Fit 3 1/2"(W)x2 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml Vinyl ID Holder: BH-172, 2 1/2"(W) x 3 3/4"(H), Fit 2 1/4"(W)x3 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml I.D. Name Holder: BH-173, 4 1/4"(W) x 3 1/2"(H), Fit 4"(W)x3"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml Vertical ID Holder: BH-174, 3 3/16"(W) x 4 3/4"(H), Fit 3"(W)x4 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml
BH-606 BH-175 BH-310H BH-177
Badge Holder - Supper Low Cost Models: BH-606, 3 3/4"(W) x 3 1/4"(H), Fit 3 1/2"(W)x2 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 10 ml Security I.D. Holder: BH-175, 3 11/16"(W) x 3"(H), Fit 3 1/2"(W)x2 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml Photo ID Card Holder: BH-310H, 3 3/4"(W) x 3 1/8"(H), Fit 3 1/2"(W)x2 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 20 ml Horizontal Badge Holder: BH-177, 4 3/16"(W) x 3 3/8"(H), Fit 4"(W)x2 3/4"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml
BH-176 BH-310V BH-178 BH-4060
Clear Badge Holder: BH-176, 2 5/8"(W) x 4"(H), Fit 2 3/8"(W)x3 1/4"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml Student Badge Holder: BH-310V, 2 5/8"(W) x 4 1/2"(H), Fit 2 3/8"(W)x3 7/8"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml Employee Badge Holder: BH-178, 3 1/16"(W) x 4 5/8"(H), Fit 2 3/4"(W)x4"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml Olympic ID Holder: BH-4060, 4"(W) x 6"(H), Fit 3 3/4"(W)x5 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 10 ml
BH-322 BH-4282 BH-4286 BH-Custom
Large ID Holder: BH-322, TOP: 3 3/16"(W) x 2"(H), Bottom: 4 3/16"(W) x 3"(H), Total: 4 3/16"(W) x 5"(H), Fit 4"(W)x4 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 10 ml / Back 30 ml Sports ID Holder: BH-4282, 4 1/4"(W) x 8 1/4"(H), Fit 4"(W) x 7 1/2"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 12 ml / Back 12 ml Horse Racing ID Holder: BH-4286, 4 1/4"(W) x 8 3/4"(H), Fit 4"(W)x8"(H) Card, Thickness, Front 12 ml / Back 12 ml

Custom ID Holders with Custom Design and Custom Size: For Plastic ID Card: BH-Custom, A"(W) x B"(H), Fit C"(W) x E"(H) Card, Thickness, Front T1 ml / Back T2 ml

BH-4286B CUSTOM-4286B BH-7712
Car Racing Ticket Holder Complete Set of Custom ID Holders With Custom Logo Imprinted Lanyards For ID Cards. Flap ID Holders For Top Loading IDs

ID Badge Holder
Smaller Photo Bigger Photo
BH-171 Small Size Badge Holder BH-171 Small Size ID Holder
BH-172 Vinyl Badge Holder BH-172 Vinyl ID Holder
BH-173 I.D. Badge Holder BH-173 I.D. Name Holder
BH-174 Vertical Badge Holder BH-174 Vertical ID Holder
BH-175 Security ID Holder BH-175 Security I.D. Holder
BH-176 Clear ID Holder BH-176 Clear Badge Holder
BH-177 Horizontal ID Holder BH-177 Horizontal Badge Holder
BH-178 Government Badge Holder BH-178 Employee Badge Holder
BH-180 Trade Show Badge Holder BH-180 Trade Show ID Holder
BH-180C Low Cost Badge Holder BH-180C Low Cost ID Holder
BH-180P Events Badge Holder BH-180P Meeting Badge Holder
BH-180PC Name Tag Holder BH-180PC ID Tag Holder
BH-310H Photo ID Badge Holder BH-310H Photo ID Card Holder
BH-310V Student ID Card Holder BH-310V Student Badge Holder
BH-322 Large Badge Holder BH-322 Large ID Holder
BH-4060 Olympic Badge Holder BH-4060 Olympic ID Holder
BH-4282 Sports Ticket Holder BH-4282 Sports ID Holder
BH-4286 Horse Racing Ticket Holder BH-4286 Horse Racing ID Holder
BH-4286B Supper Large Ticket Holder BH-4286B Car Racing Ticket Holder
BH-606 Most Popular Badge Holder BH-606 Super Low Cost Badge Holder

You can shop ID badge holders online with wholesale low cost. We are wholesale stores and wholesale shops for your ID supplies with factory direct wholesale low cost. We supply to domestic and international ID badge holder wholesalers, suppliers, retailers, exporters, importers and manufacturers too.

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ID Badge Holder SupplyContact: [email protected]

You are viewing UMX > Lanyards, Lanyard > Badge Holders > ID Badge Holder: Name Badge, I.D. Card and Identification Supplies.